Saturday, May 31, 2014

Ground Break American Style Saison by Ithaca

At this point I have absolutely no clue how long we have had this beer. It held up really well for being maybe 10-12 months old, possibly even older.
Dark golden brownish, almost caramel in color, hazy, SRM 6-7
Citrus, floral, tropical kind of like mango
Citrus and pine overpower this beer. There is also a slight earthy, bitter taste that comes forward after the pine. It did have a bitter aftertaste, that wasn't too bad but I wasn't expecting it. It had a decent head and good head retention. The carbonation was in the goldilocks zone for this style, at least for me. It had a nice light to medium mouthfeel. This is a great spring beer, for just after all the snows melted and the flowers are starting to pop up.

This was a decent saison. I'm not a huge fan of overly piney flavors but it just wasn't was I was expecting. Once I got past the expectation not being the beer, it was quite tasty and would be a good beer to have around as a "I don't have to think about it" beer. I was expecting more citrus and maybe a little tropical but it was an interesting mish-mash of pine and citrus.

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