Monday, May 26, 2014

Pure Evil by Evil Genius Brewing Company

Evil Genius has been on our radar for a couple years now. We first found out about this company at one of the BrewFest events that takes place every year on the grounds of The Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire at Mount Hope mansion. They are based in West Grove, PA but are brewing out of Connecticut at the moment. Pure Evil is Evil Genius Brewing Company's version of a Chocolate stout.

Very very dark brown almost black but with hints of dark red, SRM ~28-29
Roasted dark malts, no espresso and a slight hint of chocolate
This has a mild roasted taste with just a hint of chocolate. This starts with a very slight bitter taste, moves to the malts and then the chocolate kind of pops up out of no where. It has a nice semi-sweet chocolate aftertaste that lingers nicely. There is a slight roastyness that lingers in the mouth, it's not a heavy linger. It has a medium mouthfeel which works really well for this blend of flavors. If it was a heavy mouthfeel, I'm not sure I would enjoy it as much.

I am super excited to see what this company goes on to do. This is very good chocolate stout. If it had a heavier mouthfeel with all the chocolate lingering, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much. It could have been a super heavy, high chocolate beer but I'm really glad it wasn't. I ended up enjoying it more than I usually do with chocolate beers. I will definitely be on the look out for this company. Hopefully it moves to the Pittsburgh Area soon, but for now we will just have to make trips to eastern PA to get it.

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