Monday, June 2, 2014

Sweet Baby Jesus! by DuClaw

This beer brings back a lot of memories for me, well mostly the name and the fact that it's peanut butter and chocolate flavored. When I was in high school running cross country, I had a friend named James (also on the team) and one race at Killens Pond, he was coming out of the forest and around the corner for the last half mile (this weird loop through a field and back), I'm sitting there eating m&m's and Reese's Pieces with some friends and I just shouted "There's my Sweet Baby James" in this deep southern belle accent. This beer reminded me of that, that feeling, that moment. It's almost as if DuClaw climbed into my head and found this combination.

Black with some dark brown, SRM ~30-32
Strong chocolate and peanuts
The Sweet Baby Jesus had dark malts that lead into a very mild bitter taste. The chocolate and peanut taste was forward, it was nice and subtle till the very end of holding it in my mouth, right before swallowing. It had a strong chocolate and peanut aftertaste that lingered. It had low carbonation and basically no head. It was nice and smooth almost creamy, but not overly creamy like a nitro. The mouthfeel was decent, a good medium to the low end of high.

This was just great. They could have really made it peanut and chocolate forward and that probably would have turned me off. That combination can be really had to get right and could have ended up tasting like a Reese's cup, which I'm not a huge fan of. This was a perfect mix of chocolate, peanuts and beer.

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