Saturday, May 31, 2014

Cocoa Porter by Tommyknocker

We grabbed this beer when we grabbed a couple other beers at the end of winter. We've never gotten anything from Tommyknocker before, so we were really excited to get to try this.

Black, full on black with maybe just the tiniest hint of caramel, SRM ~35
Crisp malts, slight chocolate, in general very crisp smelling
There isn't the any heavy roasting or well over roasted flavors with this beer. It's super smooth but not creamy. There are no flavors that overpower all the rest, no real strong flavors. It's very crisp for a cocoa based beer. Usually cocoa beers have strong chocolate aftertastes that linger for several minutes. This beer didn't have that; there was almost no aftertaste. It was a crisp, clean beer and I loved that about it. As the beer warmed up, there was definitely more of a chocolate taste. It didn't have a lot of carbonation which makes it odd that it had a light medium mouthfeel. Sometimes that can be a bad thing, but for this style it was super refreshing.

I will definitely be looking out for this when it comes back around to winter. It was refreshing while being warming and so smooth. The crispness was very different for this style so it made it unique.

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