Friday, May 23, 2014

Winter Warmer by Harpoon

We grabbed this just at the end of winter, which in Pittsburgh is like April. After all the PCBW stuff, we are finally writing up the review.

Darker copper brown with some red and gold, SRM ~ 15-18
Spices, cloves, nutmeg, with a mild floral hoppiness, mild malts and very warming in a way
This beer was mildly malty but very hoppy. It was not bitter in anyway. It had a lot of spice. The spices are almost overpowering though. There was a nice mild nutmeg aftertaste that didn't linger. It was there and then gone almost in a crisp way. It had a really nice full mouth fell that I expect from a winter warmer.

Overall it's a good winter warmer. I will get this again when the winter comes back around but I may try several other winter warmers before I pick this up again. This is in general what I think of when I think winter warmer. It's not lighting the world on fire but it's a very solid beer. This beer plus a great book with snow outside and a fire rolling feels like a great night to me.

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