Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Kriek Lambic from Free Will BC

No flash = hard to see the color.
Today we bring you our reviews of the beer we drank from Free Will Brewing Company two Tuesdays ago. As part of Pittsburgh Craft Beer Week, Caliente played host to John, the brewmaster, and he brought along some fine beers. We drank a couple over a 'Philly Cheesesteak' pizza before chatting with John for a bit.

We also drank (and reviewed) their Chasing the Dragon.
Bright pink grapefruit, SRM ~10-13
Slight tart cherry smell, not overpowering, no real malt or hop smell
Flash = NEON BEER!
Nice sour cherry taste. Not heavy at all, light and crisp. No real malt or hop taste. very mild and smooth. I am in love with this beer; the crisp taste and the sour flavors. It is amazing that this beer is only aged for a year. They don't use the open air spontaneous fermentation usually used for lambics, and John, the brewmaster, says that they are categorizing the bacteria and yeast strains in their area. So maybe someday they will do an open air fermentation for this style.

I love this beer. If I found out this was being poured somewhere, I would make a trek to go get it. I was super excited about this beer. Getting to talk to the Brewer was just icing on the cake.

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