Friday, June 6, 2014

Merry Monks by Weyerbacher

Merry Monks is an interesting Triple from Weyerbacher. It's available year-round.

Light straw, with some super pale hint, slightly hazy, SRM ~5
Ester, citrus, and banana
This taste is bananas...
B-A-N-A-N-A-S! Literally, it tasted like bananas. There wasn't much of a malt taste and there was a strange bitter flavor after the banana died away. The aftertaste was slightly floral, and you guessed it, more [expletive deleted] banana. It was heavily carbonated and had a nice white head with okay retention. It was supposed to also have pear tastes but this bottle pretty much only tasted like bananas. It was such a strong banana flavor that I couldn't finish even a couple of ounces.

To be fair we had another bottle of this a few days earlier and thought it was okay, nothing great, not any serious complaints. The bottle we drank to review it gets a 1 pint rating from me and a 2 pint rating from Dave so we averaged it. I couldn't finish it; Dave could but he wouldn't buy it again. It may have been just this bottle that was off, but given that it wasn't memorable the first time and I couldn't finish it this time... I am sure someone out there likes this beer but this bottle was just gross to me and I don't see a reason to drink it again.

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