Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Old Heathen Imperial Stout by Weyerbacher

Old Heathen is an Imperial Stout by Weyerbacher. It is available year round.
Very dark brown with heavy caramel and copper brown hints, SRM ~27-30
Chocolate, a slight roastyness, malty and a slight whiskey smell, the whiskey smell isn't strong
This had a nice malty taste. It was slightly roasted with a hint of chocolate. It was not bitter at all and had almost no hops. It had an espresso and whiskey aftertaste that lingers. It had no head so I was expecting it to be heavy in flavor and feeling but it was not a heavy at all; it had was on the low end of medium mouthfeel. It was good and not crazy. The flavor blend together nicely.

Overall this was a decent beer. The chocolate and whiskey were very downplayed which is nice for an Imperial Stout. I am so used to overpowering flavors that this was a nice change. If you like light hints of chocolate and whiskey this should be on your list to try.

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