Friday, April 18, 2014

Wind Blown Blonde from Stewart's Brewing Company

We visited the eastern part of PA for a couple days and so we met up with my parents for lunch at Stewart’s Brewery in Bear DE. This Kölsch has won Gold medals at the WBC and GABF in 2008.
beautiful clear pale golden, SRM ~5
Stange, it's hard to tell from the picture but it is a stange
lightly floral with a mild citrus smell, not a heavy cascade hops smell
This beer was light and crisp with just the right amount of smooth pale malts and citrus flavor. It wasn't overly hopped making it lightly floral. It was full bodied without being heavy. It had a solid mouthfeel and was not watery in any way. I nursed this beer for the entire lunch.

This is the best summer beer; it was perfect. I am so used to summer beers being watery and light that this is beautiful wake-up call to summer beers.

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