Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Deep Sea Stout from Mudhook Brewing Co.

When we visited Mudhook Brewing Company (in York, PA), we drank some of their beers (duh).

Black Brown, almost black with very mild red hints, according to Dave it was “the color of methylnaphthalene, it’s not a bad thing” SRM ~27
chocolate, espresso, roasted
This beer was a heavily roasted stout. It was a basic dark stout with more chocolate and roasted flavors. It had a strong espresso aftertaste that lingered for a long while. I still had the taste of coffee in my mouth 5 minutes after having a sip. It had a full body and mouthfeel with low carbonation. All I can say is that it was just very roasted. It was such a basic stout that it tasted like every other super basic stout. That’s not bad; if I was judging it in a competition of what fits the perfect requirements for a basic stout it would do well, but it was kind of boring.

It was so basic that I would have forgotten about it after drinking it if not for that lingering coffee taste.

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