Friday, April 4, 2014

Pale Ale from Saranac Brewery

This is another one of the beers we forgot about for 6 months. Maybe sometime we'll do some intentional aging and review the beers fresh, and aged to see how they change with time.
Golden color with a lot of red hues, almost a light copper color, looks unfiltered, a little cloudy, SRM ~7-10
smells malty and smooth
This beer had a mildly malty taste. It was very hoppy with a floral front taste and bitter aftertaste. In general all I have to say is that it’s quite bitter, very much like an IPA. It was not what I was expecting. The aging could have affected the malt flavor making it almost non-existent.

This is a decent beer but nothing special. I was not expecting an IPA. I might drink it for a full session but it would be lower on my list.

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