Friday, March 28, 2014

Pumpkin Ale from Saranac Brewery

We purchased a bottle of this beer in September of 2013 and allowed it to age for about 6 months. (In other words we forgot about a handful of beers sitting in the corner for 6 months, and this is one of them.)
medium red with golden hues, almost orange-ish, SRM ~15
very mild pumpkin and clove, almost no smell at all
In general this is mellow with very mild tastes of pumpkin and spices. With the 6 months of aging it really only retained the pumpkin flavors and none of the beer flavors. Not really malty or hoppy. It had a slight hoppy aftertaste, not acidic, not floral, maybe slightly earthy. It had a light mouthfeel and was almost watery in a way. There were no bold flavors, which can be attributed to the aging process which mellows out flavor in general. The head was a light cream color and very thin almost completely gone within several minutes of pouring the beer.


I have read that this beer has a strong cloves taste, but in general after the aging it is very mellow and almost flavorless. Not that it didn't have flavors but it had no strong overpowering flavors. There were just very mild mellow hints of pumpkin and spices. When autumn arrives we will probably grab this beer again just so we can taste it fresh for a comparison post.

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