Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Irish Stout Soap

Sorry this post is a day late. We were traveling yesterday and didn't get time to finish a post. The good news is that the travels included a stop at a brewpub that we will be reviewing soon (and of course some of their beer). For now, enjoy this post about how we used some of our homebrew leftovers to make some soap.

For this recipe I used the spent grain and resulting beer from our homebrewed batch of Irish Stout. The base is emulsion soap which you can get at a craft store.

Heat 5 small cubes of emulsion soap in a microwave until it is fully melted.
Then add ¾ tsp of crushed (dried in the oven 250°F then pulverized using a blender) spent grains (used as an exfoliant).
Stir in the grains until they are fully mixed in.
Then add 3 tsp of flat Irish Stout (this can be increased if you want more of that smell).
Stir until the solution is fully mixed together.
Then pour the mixture into a mold (I used a Celtic knot mold, basic PE or PP, you can get these at a craft store in the soap making area).
Then wait till the soap is cooled to a solid (you can place it in the fridge to speed up the cooling but don't leave it in for too long, otherwise the moisture will ruin the soap).
Then push the soap out of the mold and wrap in plastic wrap or tissue paper to stop the moisture from getting to it.
Now you have soap that smells faintly of Irish Stout.

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