Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Bitter End by 2 Brothers Brewing

2 Brothers Brewing is based in Chicago and though founded in 1996, it is very new to me. I can't believe I have never had anything by them, but hopefully Dave and I can get to Chicago sometime to check them out at their Brewery.
Caramel with some copper hints. SRM 10
Hoppy, not too floral, not too bitter, slight ester smell
Nice and hoppy. Not floral or bitter but good flavoring hops. Very mild on the malt front, not sweet in anyway. This was crisp beer with little aftertaste, possibly a slight hop after taste. The mouthfeel was decent, about a light medium feel and slightly more carbonated than normal, but it wasn't effervescent. A good, solid English Pale ale.

I am super excited to see what else is out there by these guys. I mean, this was a solid English Pale. I am always on the look out for beers that match the BJCP guidelines and I would say this may become my go to beer for English Pale Ale comparison. If you enjoy hoppy beer that isn't bitter you will love this.

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