Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Bitter End by 2 Brothers Brewing

2 Brothers Brewing is based in Chicago and though founded in 1996, it is very new to me. I can't believe I have never had anything by them, but hopefully Dave and I can get to Chicago sometime to check them out at their Brewery.
Caramel with some copper hints. SRM 10
Hoppy, not too floral, not too bitter, slight ester smell
Nice and hoppy. Not floral or bitter but good flavoring hops. Very mild on the malt front, not sweet in anyway. This was crisp beer with little aftertaste, possibly a slight hop after taste. The mouthfeel was decent, about a light medium feel and slightly more carbonated than normal, but it wasn't effervescent. A good, solid English Pale ale.

I am super excited to see what else is out there by these guys. I mean, this was a solid English Pale. I am always on the look out for beers that match the BJCP guidelines and I would say this may become my go to beer for English Pale Ale comparison. If you enjoy hoppy beer that isn't bitter you will love this.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Old Heathen Imperial Stout by Weyerbacher

Old Heathen is an Imperial Stout by Weyerbacher. It is available year round.
Very dark brown with heavy caramel and copper brown hints, SRM ~27-30
Chocolate, a slight roastyness, malty and a slight whiskey smell, the whiskey smell isn't strong
This had a nice malty taste. It was slightly roasted with a hint of chocolate. It was not bitter at all and had almost no hops. It had an espresso and whiskey aftertaste that lingers. It had no head so I was expecting it to be heavy in flavor and feeling but it was not a heavy at all; it had was on the low end of medium mouthfeel. It was good and not crazy. The flavor blend together nicely.

Overall this was a decent beer. The chocolate and whiskey were very downplayed which is nice for an Imperial Stout. I am so used to overpowering flavors that this was a nice change. If you like light hints of chocolate and whiskey this should be on your list to try.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Rivertowne Brewing Company VIP tour

A few weeks ago, Rivertowne Brewing Company of Pittsburgh PA had a deal on LivingSocial for their brewery tour. They offered a regular tour and a VIP option that included dinner and live music for $20 more. Dave and I decided to try the VIP tour because it sounded like fun. This tour was for 2 people and cost $50. It included, for each person, a tee shirt, 6 tastings, 1 full sized beer for during the tour, the tour itself, and buffet dinner with live music.

So I guess we will start from the top. The tee shirts are super nice and soft. They had a bunch of different styles and colors. Tee shirts from breweries can be very expensive so this was definitely worth it just for the tee shirt.

The tasting was rushed, very rushed. I usually like to do tastings similar to Dogfish Heads style which is at your own pace. You get the main 6 beers from their line and no seasonals for the tastings. It was very rushed, there was no real time to savor the beer. You get about 2-3 ounces for each sample. Their beer is very good. In particular I enjoyed the Grateful White and the Hala Kahiki. Dave liked Maxwell's Scottish Ale.

The tour was amazing. We were led by the head brewer. The tour was pretty basic on how beer was made, which I expect from a large tour group. The interesting thing about this tour is that you get to see a canning line. Canning isn't very common for breweries because many people think of canned beer as crap, such as Bud and Miller, and canning is actually very expensive to implement. The technology used in canning has also come a long way in recent years and makes canning actually better for the beer than bottling. That's the main reason the people at Rivertowne convinced their accountants it was worth the extra money to can their beer.

The dinner was okay. There was pretzels, sausage and penne in tomato sauce as well as salad. If you were on the tour, the price of beer was $3 for a glass. This was good cause you don't get to try any of the special seasonals during the tasting. So we grabbed the seasonal beers during dinner. They had a helles, a session IPA, and a stout, I believe. The lower price on beer was an added bonus for the dinner.

The music was so loud that even though we were sitting outside we had to yell at the other people at the table we were sitting at to talk. The inside is pretty small so for the volume that it was, the people had to be deaf. Dave says it was a little quieter than the sound system he helped set up for an outdoor ZZ Top concert, before they doubled the number of sub-woofers for the show, so about 120 Decibels aka louder than a Jet taking off. For the size of the place and the fact it's indoors, it was completely inappropriate. I would have preferred no music to the loud raucous being played.

We're glad we did it once, but we won't be doing it again. It's okay and the tour is interesting but with the fact that the tasting was rushed and the food was meh, I'd suggest saving the $20 and getting a general admission tour.

Rating: 2.5 pints
I did it once, I won't do it again. (Dave: I'd consider doing the general tour again, but not the VIP tour.) The music was too loud, the food was meh, the tasting was rushed. If you're interested in Rivertowne, do the regular tour instead of the VIP tour.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Merry Monks by Weyerbacher

Merry Monks is an interesting Triple from Weyerbacher. It's available year-round.

Light straw, with some super pale hint, slightly hazy, SRM ~5
Ester, citrus, and banana
This taste is bananas...
B-A-N-A-N-A-S! Literally, it tasted like bananas. There wasn't much of a malt taste and there was a strange bitter flavor after the banana died away. The aftertaste was slightly floral, and you guessed it, more [expletive deleted] banana. It was heavily carbonated and had a nice white head with okay retention. It was supposed to also have pear tastes but this bottle pretty much only tasted like bananas. It was such a strong banana flavor that I couldn't finish even a couple of ounces.

To be fair we had another bottle of this a few days earlier and thought it was okay, nothing great, not any serious complaints. The bottle we drank to review it gets a 1 pint rating from me and a 2 pint rating from Dave so we averaged it. I couldn't finish it; Dave could but he wouldn't buy it again. It may have been just this bottle that was off, but given that it wasn't memorable the first time and I couldn't finish it this time... I am sure someone out there likes this beer but this bottle was just gross to me and I don't see a reason to drink it again.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Sweet Baby Jesus! by DuClaw

This beer brings back a lot of memories for me, well mostly the name and the fact that it's peanut butter and chocolate flavored. When I was in high school running cross country, I had a friend named James (also on the team) and one race at Killens Pond, he was coming out of the forest and around the corner for the last half mile (this weird loop through a field and back), I'm sitting there eating m&m's and Reese's Pieces with some friends and I just shouted "There's my Sweet Baby James" in this deep southern belle accent. This beer reminded me of that, that feeling, that moment. It's almost as if DuClaw climbed into my head and found this combination.

Black with some dark brown, SRM ~30-32
Strong chocolate and peanuts
The Sweet Baby Jesus had dark malts that lead into a very mild bitter taste. The chocolate and peanut taste was forward, it was nice and subtle till the very end of holding it in my mouth, right before swallowing. It had a strong chocolate and peanut aftertaste that lingered. It had low carbonation and basically no head. It was nice and smooth almost creamy, but not overly creamy like a nitro. The mouthfeel was decent, a good medium to the low end of high.

This was just great. They could have really made it peanut and chocolate forward and that probably would have turned me off. That combination can be really had to get right and could have ended up tasting like a Reese's cup, which I'm not a huge fan of. This was a perfect mix of chocolate, peanuts and beer.