Sunday, July 6, 2014

Cane and Ebel by Two Brothers Brewing

Based just outside of Chicago in Warrenville, Two Brother Brewing is becoming a new favorite of mine. I've enjoyed everything I've had from them and on top of it they have made me open myself up to rye beer (something I'm usually not a fan of).
Coppery brown with lots of red,
SRM ~15
Slightly roasty, not dark roasty but a nice roasty like an earthiness, it also had a nice sweet rye and malt smell but not too sugary. It had a very slight bitterness and hoppy notes
This beer is hoppy, very hoppy and toasty. It also has a very nice sweet malty taste and is lightly floral. The rye adds an interesting component making it slightly dry but with a hint of sweetness, not a sugar sweetness or a malty sweetness but a nice dry type of sweetness. The aftertaste starts sweet and morphs into a nice bitter happiness. It is not overpowered by the hops and the rye adds a slight crispness towards the end of the aftertaste. The aftertaste lingers very lightly and isn't heavy at all. There is a medium mouthfeel and a slightly higher carbonation which adds a nice lightness to the beer.

This made me rethink my position on rye beers. So many rye beers are just super dry and overpowering with rye that this made me want to give them another shot. That's just what good beer should do. I will be on the look out for more from Two Brothers Brewing, and so should you.

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